The slow change towards warmer spring weather means I'm planning my spring wardrobe, and I can't help but find items to lust over, just thought I'd share them with you.

I've been imagining something such as this sailor blouse by Tara Starlet for ages, and absolutely love it! However I may try and sew it as I have some navy chiffon in my fabric stash.

Came across this crochet cardigan from Topshop, which they also do in mustard yellow, I must own one of them!

I'm in love with this jacket also from Tara Starlet, though don't think I can afford it though so instead am planning to make a jacket from the below pattern if I get the time.

This just seemed like a fairly straightforward yet stylish jacket pattern, let's see if I ever get round to making it though!

Not strictly vintage, and yet I just love these shoes by Irregular Choice, they remind me of Cruella de Vil!
(click for sources)